
Friday, 17 August 2018

Math earning money book


Example: Teacher
Fixed amount of money for full year’s work. Pay is usually every week or fortnight
  • Permanent job
  • Easier to budget
  • Pay is know
  • Holiday pay
  • Sick pay
  • Sometimes bonuses
  • No extra pay for extra work
  • Working hours are usually 8am-5pm
Example:a panel beater
An agreed hourly rate for an agreed number of hours per week.
  • Permanent job
  • Additional hours worked, means extra money
  • Overtime rates
  • Extra payments for special conditions
  • Holiday pay
  • Sick pay
  • Pay is fixed to time and not effort, so could lack incentive
  • Working hours are usually 8am-5pm

Example:a kiwifruit packer
An Agreed hourly rate is paid when employee is required
  • Part time work may suit some people
  • Useful For secondary employment
  • Not permanent
  • No holiday pay
  • No sick pay
  • Difficult to budget
Example; a MAchinist
A fixed amount is paid for each piece of work completed.
  • The harder you work, the more money you earn
  • Choose your own time for working
  • Not permanent
  • No holiday pay
  • No sick pay
  • Difficult to budget
Example a real estate salesperson
  • Two types
  • Basic wages plus a percentage of the value of goods sold
  • A percentage of value of goods sold
  • More you sell, More money you earned
  • Can be an incentive for the job
  • Usually a permanent job
  • Irregular pay
  • Difficult to budget
  • Sometimes no holiday or sick pay
  • Success depends on popularity of the product.

  • What is an income?
  • Money received, Especially on a regular basis
  • Who is an Employer? A person or organization that employs people.
  • Who is an Employee? An employee is an individual who has hired by an employer
  • What is a primary employment? The primary job involves getting raw material is from the natural environment
  • What id a Secondary employment? Is the term used to describe any additional employment outside work
  • What is an self-employment? the state of working for oneself as a freelance or owner

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

The end of the Wonder book

Explain August’s fears of going on school retreat/camp, were they justified?
Yes, it was justified! It was the first time he was sleeping away from home. I would be scared of staying four hours away from home with people like Julian as well.

Compare Eddie and Julian. How are they similar/ different. How do their interactions with
August reveal their character? 
Well, they are both bullies and don't know how to treat others with respect, This is very obvious because we see this through the way they act around Auggie. Julian doesn't make it so obvious but Eddie does make it obvious.
either way, a bully is a bully whether they are making it obvious or not!
Explain how August's relationship with his classmates has changed since he first started going to Beecher Prep, give explanations.
At the start, everyone treated him like crap thinking that he is some kind of plague But now everyone is starting to understand what happened to his face and he hasn't got the plague, Now he is treated like a normal kid.
Describe how August has shown greatness during his year at Beecher Prep? Do you think he
deserves the medal? Why?
Auggie has been thru so much and never gave up on school, He lost friends made friends, got picked on, Go stuck up for. But overall he deserves a medal because he is very resilience and always bounces back.
Compare the character of Auggie at the beginning of the book and in the final chapters. How has he changed and what has contributed to this change?
Well at the start of the book he was very very shy and insecure about himself, By the end of the book he has now mature very has learnt that people are gonna judge you no matter how kind you are. Describe your favourite character in the story. Explain their impact on the story and why you picked them.
Summer, She was the only "friend" of Auggie's that stuck with him all the way. she didn't care about what his face looks like and if he had the "plague" She liked him for him not what the "cool" kids were saying. Summer helped Auggie want to come to school and enjoy it even when he was getting bullied.
This story explores the themes; Friendship, Betrayal, Overcoming Challenges, Bullying and Family Relationships. Create a brainstorm web for each of these themes that shows what the story has told for each theme.
What do you think Auggie's future holds? What do you think will happen in his life?

Drama advertisements 9Hh

My favorite ad is Spray and Walk away, this is because I like the way slang it has to it and how they then used that in the name.

The way the presented this ad make people want to buy it, I know that if I actually had a use for it I would probably have brought it.

A few ways for them to make the ad better as if they done it on a more sunny day so that the lighting would have been much better and you would have been able to see the product easier.

  1. Should you lie about your product- No you should be completely truthful about what you are selling, If it could harm animals or humans whether it is intentional or not you should be 100% truthful
  2. should you falsely advertise your product- Again be 100% honest with your costumer else you are never gonna make money or even profit.
  3. Should you advertise fatty foods- Well companies must do whatever it takes for people to buy their product. But I personally don't think We need to be saying that this is so healthy when you're just gaining more fat!