
Friday 30 November 2018

The future of Jobs //Tech

In twenty years i think that a lot of the jobs now day will not be available,here is a list of things that i think will be replaced with a newer option for the future generations.

  1. Cashiers// I think that cashier will be replaced with self operating machines.
  2. News paper delivery's// This will be replaced with online copies,as because this is already starting to happen
  3. Flight attendance// I think that Flight attendance will no longer be a job because i think robots will take over
  4. Strippers// I think that again robots might take over of just porn cause you wouldn't have to leave your house or waste money on them
  5. Child care/Teachers//I think baby sitters/teacher will no longer be around because the pay rise situation will be cause to much that people wont want to keep looking after if they aren't getting pay enough.
  6. Rubbish truck drivers// they wont need rubbish truck drivers because the world is just gonna be polluted so no need to have rubbish trucks.
  7. People that work at the market// I think people will no longer work at the market cause uber eats will take over and online shopping.

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Tweet like Trump//English//Creative Writing

Dear whom ever this may Concern

People under the age of 18 use their phones to contact their Parents/ Caregivers Friends, family. If it is banned how are we gonna be safe?

Weather with you//English// Creative Writing

Calum wasn't having bad or good day his feelings seemed to change the weather, he was happy but crying his feelings were confused It was sunny but raining. His dog ran into the room and made him smile just as the rainbow came shine through the clouds.

Absurd Warnings// English// Creative writing

Flour- WARNING This ingredient is dry and make your skin go wrinklly
milk- WARNING This Liquid is from a cow, beware that a cow had its utters pulled for this milk DON'T TAKE IT FOR GRANTED
Computers-WARNING This Object has been tested for melting and can cause up to 300'c burns
head phones-WARNING This Object can damage you ear drums beware that if you by this you are ricking you hearing
Books-WARNING This can make you smarter no one likes a Smart a**

The 6 sentence story//English//Creative Writing

  1. once upon a time there was a little girl named Charlotte.
  2. Charlotte was just any young girl she was a Princess living at Buckingham.
  3. Little did people know Charlotte was extremely talented at League.
  4. But the people at her school wouldn't allow her to play as she was a girl, She was so upset.
  5. She felt so upset and mad it wasn't bear able the king decided that he would take care of the problem.
  6. The king went and told the school if they don't allow her to play the will execute them from England. 

Friday 23 November 2018

What I Prefer!!! Tech 2018

These are photos of the New tech building and the old one I personally prefer the new one.

Thing's I like about the new building
1. It has a better lay out
2. Its a lot more spacious
3. The machinery is more up to date
4. The interior makes it look cleaner
5. The color matches it and it make the space look happier

Thing's i Dislike about the new building
1.The building is a lot more quite and I prefer working in a loud space
2.I feel like it is gonna get ruined quickly

Thing's i liked about the old building
1.I was used to where everything was.
2.It was loud

Thing's i disliked about the old building
1.It was very messy
2.It was cultured
3.It seemed small
4.The smell wasn't very pleasant

What i hope to get out of the new building
I hope to get a better understanding of the machinery I also hope to learn more techniques about different was to cut file weld and drill different types of metals and wood .

Wednesday 14 November 2018

English // King of excuses

Why were you late to class?
  1. The traffic was horrific 
  2. I woke up late
  3. I missed my alarm
  4. Had to do my hair
  5. Had to have a shower
  6. Had to wait on my mum/dad
  7. I missed the bus
  8. My dog ran away
  9. I couldn't find my books
  10. I Got stuck in the tree
  11. I forgot about my bag so i had to go back to the field
  12. Had to go to Jude
  13. Got injured
  14. Talking to another teacher
  15. Forgot what class I had
  16. Felt sick 
  17. I was runner
  18. Nearly got hit by train
  19. Nearly got hit by the bus
  20. Family stuff
  21. Had to go to dentist
  22. Had to go to doctors
  23. Had to go to hospital
  24. Forgot keys
  25. Forgot phone
  26. Forgot my lunch
  27. Forgot to put clothes on
  28. Forgot to feed dog/Cat
  29. Forgot my sister/Brother
  30. Wore the wrong uniform
  31. Forgot my Chromebook
  32. Forgot shoe
  33. Forgot homework
  34. Forgot to turn off my iron off
  35. Forgot to close the door
  36. My sister made me late
  37. I got stuck in the toilet
  38. I got in car crash
  39. My house broken into
  40. Had to give detail on a crime
  41. Forgot it was mufti
  42. Forgot my wallet
  43. Forgot to put underwear on
  44. Forgot i had P/E so had to get my shoes
  45. Went back to sleep
  46. I got in a fight
  47. Got followed my a creep
  48. I stayed at my friends
  49. I stayed at my Nanas
  50. I got late last night

Tuesday 13 November 2018

English // Alphabet Story


 Boy Could Dices Eggs From Grease, His Australian British Costumer Didn't Enjoy Finger Grabbing Her Ingredients. Joking Kids Laughed Miserably Non-stop Out-loud. Polite Quite Russians Sat Tasting Unique Vegetables. Working Xavier Yawned 'Zzzzzz"  

Wednesday 7 November 2018

English // Don't Think, Just Write

A blue whale came around the corner.
His secret was that he isn’t really a whale he is a dolphin.
He was carrying a large intestine
My teddy found something at the back of my wardrobe.
They found my old darie.
Next they are gonna expose me and all my secrets
Rose is leaving the coffee shop.
She was wearing a cat costume.
Rose was leaving the coffee shop to go to the pet store.
Ian was finding it hard to steer his steering wheel because he had no arms.
Ian was meant to be going to the doctors.
The doctor will be there to check on him
The view was blocked by some old ladys hair.
The Old lady's husband view was blocked . if her hair wasn't in the way then he would be able to see the Hollywood sign.
The accident happened at the end of Hornby Highs field.
No one got hurt just Jimmy peed his pants.
Jimmy's friend Driaan help him clean it all up
Miss Richardson shut the window because kiera kept talking to Stacey outside of it. And they are only 14
Peter lose his temper at Joanne because she was annoying him all-day.
He stormed out of the meeting and went to the dairy and got a pie.

Jimmy's accident....

One day a long long time ago Jimmy needed to go toilet, He was busting.
Jimmy was to scared that he would fall in the toilet so he decide he would just wait until he no longer needed to go.
Driaan asked Jimmy is he would like to play a game of touch, Jimmy started running around playing touch then he had a long stream of liquid running down his leg.
Jacob then went running to Mr Palmer yelling "Jimmy has had an accident" Mr palmer then call and ambulance...
When the paramedics when over to see what had happen and it turns out Jimmy had  Just peed him self.
The end